Friday, August 26, 2011

'Twas a Few Days Post Steam Clean

My freshly cleaned carpets looked fantastic. A lovely man named Jeff with sad eyes removed 90% of the stains. I very seriously considered thanking him with the open mouth kiss, but I gave him a Dr. Pepper instead. Just as refreshing.

It's home maintenance time in general, because I am also painting our guest room. A tasteful shade of blue that Big JAR and I argued about for a ridiculous amount of time--see below.

So while Baby JAR was napping and the carpets were drying, I finished painting the room. Lemonhead (our attention-starved cat) watched with a critical eye from the windowsill until he became disgusted with my amateurish technique and stalked away.

Now I'm sure you can predict the end of this equation: cat + wet paint + newly cleaned carpets = blue pawprints all over the hallway.

The next morning I went to let the dogs out of the kennel.

Of course there was watery feces everywhere (inside and outside of the kennel). At some point in the night, one of the Labradors (Mabel, it's always Mabel), turned into a living, breathing, poop sprinkler. The distance achieved left me awestruck and momentarily speechless (until I started cursing).

By now I'm sure you have assumed that the kennel was on the carpet. Because it was.