Monday, August 22, 2011

'Twas the Night Before My Steam Clean

It feels a bit like Christmas Eve in my heart tonight. Why? Well, because tomorrow morning a crew of strong and capable men are coming through my chimney (or the front door perhaps) to steam clean my carpets. They will wave their magic wands and annihilate the coffee dribbles, puppy urine, Crayola marker, and mysterious black splotches with 210 degrees of hot, steamy... steam.

If they can make my carpet look even half as good as new, I will kiss every member of that carpet cleaning crew. On the mouth. Possibly with tongue.

I would post "before" pictures of my carpet, but frankly, it's just too embarrassing. My carpet is that bad.

So tonight, the night before my steam clean, I will nestle all snug in my bed, with visions of stain removal dancing in my head...

Clean carpets to all and to all a good night!