Monday, August 15, 2011

Making Homemade Baby Food, or Nuggets Do Not Grow on Trees

At some point recently Baby JAR's molars and sophisticated palate emerged. Consequently I find myself spending less time making baby food and more time creating culinary masterpieces like chicken nuggets and grilled cheese.

He really likes chicken nuggets.

But we all know that ketchup is not really a vegetable and nuggets do not grow on trees. So I still supplement his diet with a tasty treat I call "leftover sauce." This is a delicious blend of whatever fruits and vegetables I need to get rid of before our next produce delivery.

This week I had a plum, pluot, apple, and squash languishing in the crisper.

I cored and quartered the pieces.

And threw it all in my steamer.

I steamed it all together until I forget about it and then remembered it again (about 25 minutes).

Tossed everything in my food processor.

And pureed until mostly smooth.

I store all of my "leftover sauce" in old baby food jars because plastic storage containers freak me out. I leave a little room at the top and freeze the extras.

I love this stuff because nothing goes to waste and it's much less expensive than store-bought baby food or applesauce. I serve it plain, mix it in his morning yogurt or oatmeal, or thicken it with rice cereal. Now if only I could figure out how to mold this nutritional gold into nugget form...