Saturday, July 9, 2011

Slack Jawed in the Looking Glass

Have you ever let your face go completely slack while looking in the mirror? Eyes glazed, cheeks drooping, and mouth partially open? I tried it recently and was astonished with the results. So that's what I look like when I'm really tired, deep in thought, or imagining a feather bed and a platter of roast chicken enveloping me in deliciousness. Interesting... It's not a particularly attractive look. I tend to pose and preen at the mirror, so I appreciated the contrast. It's like when I try on an outfit in front of the full length mirror. I stand up straight, pull my navel into my spine and lift my boobs to the ceiling. This is silly, because I never carry myself like that away from the mirror. I typically drop the boobs and throw that navel as far from my spine as physically possible.

There is no message or moral to this story. Candid mirror glimpses are an informative way to while away the hours on a summer afternoon. Possibly more productive to floss or strengthen pelvic floor via kegel exercises. Hmmmm...