Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Anthropomorphism Makes Me Smile

There are two types of people in this world--those who enjoy imagining their pets in clothing and those who don't. I am a member of the first group. Nothing tickles me quite as much as imagining Marley and Mabel dressed as people.


I enjoy picturing Mabel in a snug sweatsuit. The sweatshirt features a picture of an orange kitten and has one of those attached collars, creating an illusion of layers. She wears plastic barrettes on her ears. This particular visual will have me doubled over with laughter, wiping the away the tears. Then I have to give Mabel a hug because she looks so dumb in my head and I really like it. 


Marley carries himself with a bit more grace than Mabel, so naturally I picture him in a smoking jacket with a pair of wire rimmed glasses. He reads The New Yorker and has earnest, but slightly superior conversations with people about technology and the death of print and human relationships. This image will have me giggling uncontrollably. Then I have to spoon Marley on the sectional and call him a prince, because he is.