Saturday, May 7, 2011

Penny Got Knocked Up By Robby the Creep--What?

Dirty Dancing really spoke to my third grade soul. I never understood what was going on with that Penny character, but I can't say that I cared. I only had eyes for Baby. I  pretended that my Payless canvas knock-offs were real Keds. I put on my denim shorts and tied my white mandarin collared blouse from China (thanks Gramps!) in a knot above my bellybutton. I dreamed of a boy lifting me in the air by my delicate waist. I forced my youngest sister to watch me dance gracefully to "The Time of My Life" and cheer at all the dramatic pauses. I persuaded the neighbor boy to meet me in the hedge. I kissed him. He screamed and ran away. Johnny he was most decidedly not.