Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Still Life in Puppetry

This is Bucky.

Bucky is my dad. His name is not actually Bucky--Bucky is another one of our family nicknames that has evolved in a bizarre and vague manner. There are a few accepted variations, including Bacaw, Bucks, Buckster, and of course, Grandpa Bucky for Baby JAR.

Baby JAR adores his Grandpa Bucky. And why wouldn't he? Grandpa Bucky has a personality that is so large it literally spills out of the room. He has one volume--really loud. He is completely confident and comfortable in his Bucky skin, and his laugh is fantastic. We love our Bucks.

So one day, when Baby JAR was missing his grandpa, I made a charming little puppet. We had a great time taking our "Little Bucky" on adventures. This is a photographic collection of Bucky's big day. Please enjoy.

Bucky enjoys a leisurely breakfast with Baby JAR.
Bucky kicks around the old futbol.

Bucky checks his Facebook.

Bucky considers a tasty burger.

Bucky purchases a tasty burger. The puppet does not seem to faze the employees of this fine establishment.
Bucky tucks in for 40 winks after a very busy day. Goodnight Bucky!