Monday, October 3, 2011

A Calling Beyond Money

Hello computer. Long time no type. What have I been up to? Oh, you know... this and that...

(cue music...)

Keeping my nose to the grindstone, shaping precious young minds, working my fingers to the bone, burning the candle at both ends, believing that the children are our future, firing on all cylinders, working against the clock, imparting a lifelong love of learning in our future generations, and quite often, working hard for the money.

Just kidding. It's not about the money. I am intrinsically motivated by a calling that transcends paychecks and health benefits. See below.

Me: Howdy! I was just calling to ask about this red collections notice I got for a past due electric bill?

Local energy company:  Yes ma'am. You haven't paid your electric bill in three months. If you do not pay it within 7 days we will be forced to shut off your power.

Me: (Chuckling with relief.) Well now, I knew it had to be some sort of misunderstanding! You see, I pay for my electricity with my daily investments in the future members of our society. You know, the children?

Local energy company: (Pause.) Ma'am. We require an actual monetary payment.

Me: Okay, but that's what I mean. I'm a teacher, so it's not about the monetary payments. Let me try again. You know that light in a child's eyes when she unlocks the magic of the written word through reading? That's how I would like to pay my bill! With the light from a child's eyes!!!

Local energy company: (Complete silence.)

Me: I want to pay you with the smiles of 24 small children when they earn an ice-cream party for their hard work and perseverance at following recess rules!! I want to pay you with the feeling of small sticky fingers reaching up for yours while walking in the hallway!!! I want to pay you with the smell of 40 freshly sharpened pencils!!!! I want to pay you with the unsullied inquisitiveness and curiosity of a young learner!!!!! (Begins to quietly sob.)

Local energy company: (Dial tone.)

So as you can see, mine is a profession beyond money.

My next project is to harvest the energy from manual pencil sharpeners and use it as an alternative power source in my home. The power company can suck it.